Thank you for the Ocean, Spirit, Thank you for the Ocean
Day 51 , Westringia, a plant a day Lowlands Reserve , Monday 14 December 2020
Westringia is an ocean lover. It happily grows on coastal locations as it is very hardy and loves sea spray and dry sandy soil.
Here it is growing above the Healing Beach in Lowlands Reserve
For me, the song of the Westringia, is “Thank you for the ocean, Spirit, thank you for the ocean , and its healing, its healing its healing ways” You can substitute all different words for “ocean” in this little song “Thank you for Westringia, Spirit…” “Thank you for the beach, Spirit…” All of which I sometimes sing while perched on the warm granite above Healing Beach. Here is Karen Drucker, click on link and sing along!
Writing this daily blog featuring a plant a day and walking daily is my fundraising effort for Bush Heritage #groundworkchallenge . To join my team or donate go to
Lowlands Reserve is on Menang Noongar land.
I recognise and respect the Traditional Owners of this Country and their connection to the lands, waters and skies.
Lowlands Coastal Reserve is managed by the local community and the City of Albany. Bush Heritage Australia manage many other wonderful reserves.
Follow me on instagram and twitter @lowlandsbeach .
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